School rules? Screws loose? Screw it!

Got any school-related gossip to share? Send in all your best experiences, hottest eye candy photos, worse ranting/bitching about teachers, lamest excuses, tested-and-proven ways to cheat in tests and other ways to beat the system. Jokes and "ideas" welcome too. Mail to and give your name if you want to be credited. Punk the system!


Lame excuse #04

The first time I assigned homework to my eighth grade language arts class at the beginning of the year, it was unreal the amount of excuses flying. The odd thing was, they were all the same -- STOLEN. Every single person who did not have their homework proclaimed that somebody stole it. I could not believe it -- some pathetic robber broke into the school and stole eighth grade grammar worksheets?

Grammar worksheets, then, must be going for high prices on the black market!

-- Julie Faulkner
Eighth grade language arts
Cookeville, TN

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