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Zoning Out

Been quite busy lately, with midterms just done and the horrendous results pouring in.
Today I'm gonna talk abt "Zoning Out" - a term used to describe a state of mind when you get real dreamy and everything around you seems to be moving in slow motion and you can roughly hear sounds and stuff, but the thing is you have absolutely no idea what the teacher just said. Or for that matter, anything that just happened. It's like a gap in your memory.

Usually, this occurs when i really lack sleep - like today. And it doesn't help that the lesson is damn boring. ZZZZzzzzzzzz.......... Oh sorry. Where was I? Oh yar. We were talking about zoning out right? Ok, so if you really feel like zoning out, what can you do?
  1. Take 50 short breaths without exhaling
  2. Sit up straight and look up for 10 seconds
  3. Tap your thymus
  4. Stand up and sit down 5 times
  5. Make yourself uncomfortable, eg cross your legs the other way, or fold your arms a different way from the way you usually do

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